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The Eternally Fragrant Lilacs- Core, Care and Composition

· Lilacs

One of the long-time favorites, the lilac bush or Syringa vulgaris, is typically grown for its intense fragrance and beautiful flowers. The lilac tree is known for its beautiful flowers from pink to purple. However, varieties of white and yellow flowers, although not very common. These plants can vary from dwarf species, up to ten meters in height. This beautiful flower plant of eye-catching color, with the proper care given to it, can last for decades in your patio or garden.

Characteristics of Lilacs

The lilac plants are excellent garden shrubs, and patio trees, which carry deliciously fragrant tubular flowers, which represent the essence of spring. When it is a shrub, it grows to almost two meters in height and has broadly oval green leaves. The conical panicles of flowers consist of four lobes and are pink to lilac, which is precisely why it receives its colloquial name, and these flower from spring to summer, and summer to autumn. Some species are cultivated as a single specimen, or in groups in bushes, or in trees to decorate streets and avenues, houses, and shopping centers. It is the favorite of many houses because thanks to its dense foliage they offer privacy.

The lilacs for sale are used to make colorful bouquets, and the plants are home to hummingbirds and butterflies, which, like their flowers, decorate them, making them a beautiful sight worthy of admiration. The lilac plants carry colorful panicles of tubular flowers that exude an exquisite and unique fragrance. It is a plant of very little care, and easy to grow so that it can be found in avenues and highways and on the side of the road.

A striking feature of this lilac plant is that they are flame retardant, which means that it rejects combustion, and protects against fire, and for this reason, they are highly considered for planting near homes that tend to be susceptible to fire.

Lilacs And Their Care:

These plants have a host of features, one of them is that it is a very resistant plant, and therefore, are considered low maintenance, and although the general care of lilac plants is minimal.

• Soil

Although lilacs tend to tolerate a wide variety of soil types very well, they prefer some well-drained soil rich in earthworm humus for growth and development; therefore, working the organic compost with the ground will help create a suitable planting soil for it.

• Organic fertilizer

Organic fertilizer can be done very quickly at home, reserve the remains of uncooked food left over from the kitchen, such as carrot shells, potatoes, bananas, apples, and any other waste. Also, dried leaves and flowers are placed on the garden plants and soil. You should choose a sufficiently large container, and put a bed of soil, then a bed of food remains, and then a bed of leaves and dried flowers; in this way we are repeating the layers, until ending with a layer of earth. After that, we water it, trying to moisten the compost enough, and cover it with a black plastic bag. This bag serves as a greenhouse, so every three days it must be uncovered, and the compost removed, trying to mix all the components. The most suitable soil to plant the lilac has to be fertilized with this organic compost.

• Watering

One of the advantages of this plant is that it can withstand short periods of drought. These plants should be watered two or three times a week thoroughly, but no more than that, because they do not like their roots to become saturated. But if the lilac plants are planted in very hot or dry places, it should be watered more frequently, and it should never be left for any reason, to dry the earth entirely.

• Fertilization

The frequent use of fertilizers is not necessary for the care of lilac trees. However, fertilization in early spring can help to give an impulse for the flowers to increase, as long as there is not too much nitrogen since this produces an insufficient flowering. When this plant is about to bloom, you can place earthworm humus, to stimulate flowering, and get flowers shinier and durable.

• Care against pests and diseases

Although they are usually resistant, lilac bushes are occasionally disturbed by insect pests, such as borers; For this reason, you should take maximum care, and be attentive to detect any signs of pest problems and treat them immediately.